Dams Index
November 2, 2008 3:00 P.M. Kentucky Selected Fall Mixed Fasig-Tipton Kentucky, Inc. Lexington, Kentucky
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Acona: 96.
Added Time: 161.
Adventurous Di: 25.
Almost Paradise: 115.
Astickyproposition: 100.
Audacious: 102.
Backroom Blues: 59.
Balinese: 152.
Baraha: 19.
Bayou Plans: 104.
Berriesfromheaven: 106.
Bethany: 73.
Big Dreams: 134.
Blush With Pride: 188.
Brave Raj: 158.
Bugs Rabbit: 171.
C’Est La Cat: 112.
Chasing Wind: 45.
Chosen Ticket: 113.
Consider It Done: 147.
Contemptible: 23.
Controlled: 105.
Conversion: 117.
Cookin Carol: 118.
Coral Sea: 170.
Crafty Marian: 114.
Crystal Current: 121.
Crystals of Ice: 62.
Cuando Quiere: 175.
Czar’s Princess: 155.
Dance Review: 39.
Dance Swiftly: 24.
Dance to Dawn: 123.
Deposit Express: 3.
Deputy: 127.
Deputy Reality: 129.
Designer Label: 92.
Diablo’s Bobett: 131.
Dime Queen: 132.
Doyenne: 74.
Dream Supreme: 122.
Easytoblush: 79.
Emphatic Style: 120.
Europe Again: 136.
Explosive Trick: 78.
Expressive Dance: 124.
Expresso Cat: 139.
Fancy Ruler: 141.
Fantastic Women: 142.
Fashion Delight: 4.
Fiesty Countess: 43.
Flaming Satan: 98.
Flautist (GB): 145.
Flowing: 15.
Forever Fondre: 6.
Fortune Forty Four: 30.
Fruhlingshochzeit: 108.
Galadriel: 26.
Gather the Clan (IRE): 42.
Golden Thatch: 34.
Gone to the Moon: 174.
Good Forbes: 109.
Guarded: 101.
Halo Reality: 130.
Hey Up There: 50.
High Heeled Hope: 70.
Honour the Brave: 157.
Imaginary Number: 135.
In Concert: 95.
Ingoldsby: 160.
Ivory Mint: 5.
Jazzitup: 162.
Jewel For a King: 164.
Jewel Princess: 165.
Jhenais Jewel: 125.
Jollie Fille: 163.
J’s Crafty Cat: 168.
Julie’s Prospect: 169.
Justenuffheart: 183.
Kelly Amber: 133.
King’s Fancy: 172.
King Shooting Star: 173.
Kiss a Miss: 103.
Kostroma (IRE): 157A.
Lacewings: 177.
Lady Doc: 176.
Lady Sage: 46.
La Gandilie (FR): 143.
La Gueriere: 156.
Laguna Seca: 166.
La Peregrina: 178.
Last Song: 179.
Lily La Belle: 144.
Lisieux: 17.
Little Bold Belle: 81.
Long Drive Home: 185.
Long Legend: 80.
Lords Guest: 184.
Mary Pat: 28.
Mere Presence: 22.
Merry Festival: 111.
Miasma: 110.
Mighty Lode: 7.
Miss Ra He Ra: 138.
Morning Devotion: 11.
Mrs. Marcos: 94.
Munnaya: 181.
Musical Treat (IRE): 12.
Mystery Dance: 13.
Mystic Rhythms: 14.
My White Corvette: 65.
Narjis Flower: 66.
Nemea: 16.
Night Fax: 9.
Nijinsky’s Passion: 18.
No Small Miracle: 8.
Ocean Breeze: 67.
One Bad Cat: 20.
Open Window: 88.
Parade Queen: 72.
Peyvon: 27.
Pleasant Deception: 32.
Pleasant Jolie: 167.
Point Ashley: 33.
Pola: 35.
Polish Ruby: 151.
Port Roberto: 48.
Premier Account: 36.
Pretty City: 182.
Pretty ‘n Smart: 99.
Private Status: 37.
Profit Column: 140.
Promenade Colony: 38.
Proper Dial: 40.
Propriety: 150.
Pure Adrenalin: 41.
Queen of Spirit: 180.
Ravish Me: 148.
Rhumb Line: 47.
Risk Aversion: 116.
Royal Suite: 49.
Ryn: 52.
Sapphire Beads: 31.
Sassy Pants: 2.
Scatter Buy: 77.
Sensation: 51.
Shappy: 53.
Sherriff’s Deputy: 128.
Shesabullwinkle: 55.
Shirley Booth: 56.
Shooting Fire: 137.
Sigh of Relief: 57.
Significant Tri: 58.
Silver Trainor: 154.
Sneetch: 91.
Sound Wisdom: 82.
Spectacular You: 63.
Starlight Dreams: 149.
Stedes Wonder: 21.
Substitute Teacher: 61.
Sweet Bernadette: 69.
Swift Alliance: 71.
Swiftly Classic: 60.
Tasso’s Magic Roo: 159.
Thirty Zip: 187.
Tivli: 44.
Too Cool to Fool: 153.
Torchera: 75.
Touch Love: 76.
Trickski: 126.
Valarone: 83.
Vantive: 29.
Victorian Angel: 186.
We Are Strike Ng: 107.
Welcome Surprise: 68.
Well At the Top (IRE): 119.
West Coast Kitty: 85.
Western League: 86.
Western Lil: 84.
Western Vision: 87.
Willa On the Move: 89.
Willow Woodman: 90.
Winning Move: 64.
Winter’s Gone: 54.
Wynona: 146.
Young American: 97.
Zenith: 1.
Zoftig: 93.